After Assuming 20 Emergency Department Contracts, Vituity Quickly Delivers

Contract changeovers can save struggling emergency departments – but also carry the risk of disruptions, staff departures, and operational slowdowns. Learn how Vituity delivered smooth transitions and rapid results across 20 new contracts for Ascension Indiana.

Published June 07, 2024


Minimize Disruption During Contract Transition

When Ascension partnered with Vituity to manage all 20 emergency departments in its Indiana market, it hoped to boost key metrics like efficiency, clinical outcomes, and performance. And Ascension was taking a risk, because contract transitions can disrupt care if experienced physicians leave the system, or the new group takes time getting up to speed.

We identified three key challenges:

  • Retain experienced clinicians
  • Improve emergency department throughput
  • Increase quality outcomes

Leverage Clinical and Operational Expertise

Early development of an effective transitioning timeline for all 20 Indiana sites was a critical element in a successful implementation. Vituity proposed a two-phase plan for fast-tracked implementation with a goal of minimizing disruption to existing care, maximizing clinician retention, and ensuring financial stewardship.

  • Physician Ambassadors: In-person and virtual meetings in all emergency departments to engage local physicians and promote Vituity’s vision, culture, and benefits of our physician-owned model.
  • Proven Practices: Vituity applied its unique culture, innovative practices and successful management to help expedite the new contract implementation process.
    • Systems automation with IT support, payroll, sales, and management teams
    • Dedicated temporary onboarding resource team to assist with credentialing, training and onboarding clinicians
    • Early access and systems training for customized scheduling system, compensation, and compliance
  • In-House Operations Consultants: Vituity Regional Directors, Steven Zahn, MD and Osman Abassi, DO, assessed all sites and prepared for immediate support, enabling tangible improvements from day one.
  • On Site Support: On go live date, team of operations consultant provided in-person oversight for every new site.

Maximized Staff Retention, Increased Throughput

Vituity’s fast-tracked implementation process was a success. This process is tailored to work for multiple sites concurrently and is now used for multi-site health system implementations across the country.

Ascension Indiana Emergency Department Staff Retention

In the first ten months with Ascension Indiana, Vituity’s team accomplished:

  • Time-to-provider reduced by 38%
  • Time to discharge dropped 16.5 minutes
  • Left without treatment dropped by 60% from 1.6% to 0.7%



Vituity, a national leader in acute care management, is equipped to help you achieve your goals, whether transitioning 20 contracts or one. Our expertise ensures minimal disruption and rapid, effective results.

Explore how Vituity can help identify solutions that address your challenges and improve performance.


Partnering to improve patient lives

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