Doctor and patient talk holding hands

Patient-Centric Care Innovations

Our patients want to enjoy quality of life and rarely define success in clinical terms alone. As healthcare leaders, we need to shift how we deliver and evaluate care, because what’s best for patients is ultimately what’s best for hospitals. Health In Place is reimagining care to meet patients when, where, and how they need us. This shift in care delivery is already making an impact.


Male doctor in scrubs outside walking to work with backpack talking on the phone

Health in Place
In Action

Male doctor in scrubs outside walking to work with backpack talking on the phone

We are seeing the value of high-tech, team-based, patient-centric care innovation returned in the form of cost containment, provider and patient satisfaction, and clinical results. Read case studies for full stories:

  • Reduce readmission rates at Hospital-SNF partnership in Fresno, California
  • HSHS ICU scales to meet community demand with hub and spoke model
  • Care navigation at Ascension improves outcomes for Medicaid population
  • Street medicine levels up at San Joaquin County Clinic with RV-based health center

Partnering to improve patient lives

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